
Our Services


“Human Health Integrated Medical Centre”, “Polydental” and “Laserdontics” are the brands of our group providing one stop dental services among the community.

Guarding Every Healthy Smile, embarking on a vibrant living, having tidy and white teeth is often the key to the most confident smile. We venture to guard every healthy smile by providing comprehensive dental and oral health services. Equipped with 3 major branches of services, including General Dentistry, Specialist Dentistry, and Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide a wide range of services, over 20 types ranging from dental checkups, dental panoramic tomography, implant, endodontics, prosthodontics, oral & maxillofacial surgery, periodontics and orthodontics to laser dentistry.


We attend to your personal needs, providing clients a refreshing dental experience and the most suitable medical solution, thus providing a stress-free environment for treatment. We are determined to stand by every smile, and to join you in embarking on a happy and vibrant living.


Please click here to visit our dental service page.